Thursday, 9/12
If you know of any events you don’t see on these pages, drop us a note & we’ll add it to the list. Email:
800a VFW Breakfast VFW Post 2687
900A A Band In Me Northwoods Harley-Davidson
1000A Ride With The Veterans Somo Lake Resort
1200p West Avenue Band Northwoods Harley-Davidson
200p Joey Vitale Hooked on Nokomis
230p Road Trip Bonnie & Clyde’s
500p Bonfire & Brat Fry Sara Park
500p Huey LaCanne’s on Swamp Lake
600p John Gay Prairie Rapids
600p Larry Lee Band American Legion
630p Hells Bells/Big Guns Bonnie & Clyde’s
700p Marty Frei Twin Bay
700p Honky Tonk Highway Bottom’s Up
700p 2 Mile South Bubba’s
700p Smoke Wagon Bank Hooked on Nokomis
700p Older Budweiser Loop Hole
830p Rising Phoenix Holly’s